Get All the Herpes Related Information You Need at One Place

Imagine a very regular daily life situation. You wake up in the morning, get ready to head to office, work hard the whole day and go back to your beloved. You have dinner with a glass of champagne and then head to bed. Now, God forbid, you or your partner contract an STD. How will this affect your life? What impact will this have on your lifestyle and relationship? The answer to these questions is that nothing will ever be the same again. True! A lifelong STD can turn your world upside down. And talking about STDs, Herpes is the most common STD. It is so common that according to a 2015 WHO study, 2/3 rd of the population under 50 is estimated to have Herpes. With Herpes being so common, it is important that you keep yourself updated with the causes, treatment and prevention of genital herpes . There can be no specific age or stage in life when you can contract herpes. If you have your partner’s support, the journey becomes a bit easier, but if you have just begun da...